RECREATE project showcased at the 12th Conference of the Horizon Europe programme in Spain
Eurecat partners presented RECREATE in Oviedo, Spain.
RECREATE has four Case Studies, all of which are located in coastal areas across Europe. These include: North Holland, Kalundborg (Denmark), Costa Brava (Spain), and Syros (Greece). All Case Studies share a background in use of alternative water resources like seawater and brackish water desalination, water reclamation and rainwater harvesting -- but are going further within the RECREATE project to find ways to advance water reuse and other solutions.
RECREATE aims to improve the resilience of water supplies and protect the status of natural water resources by facilitating the assessment and inclusion of Alternative Water Resources (AWR) in water management planning for water scarce regions, and to increase awareness and acceptance of and trust in the fundamental role of AWR in climate change adaptation.
With four case studies spanning different bio-regions, RECREATE will explicitly consider human health risks associated to potable use, local context (regulatory, cultural, spatial and socio-economical aspects) and water management strategies under different stress scenarios. RECREATE's four case studies include: North Holland (Netherlands); Kalundborg (Denmark); Syros-South Aegean (Greece); and Costa Brava (Spain).
RECREATE will produce an open access repository compiling knowledge and data on the cost-efficiency, environmental and health impact of different technological and water management alternatives, which will become a key part of RECREATE's Digital Decision Support Framework. These will be used to co-create adaptive pathways for water management, alongside additional modules covering climate change impact predictions, adaptation strategies to local context and a decision matrix.
RECREATE is changing the future of water resources by focusing on solutions development, assessment and demonstrationat the local (Case Study) scale, stakeholder engagement and co-creation, and dissemination of results.
Some of RECREATE's key results include: