Community of Practice Kicks off in Kalundborg
The first RECREATE Community of Practice meeting took place in Kalundborg, Denmark in October 2024.
The Community of Practice workshops started in Kalundborg with the EU Horizon 2020 project
ULTIMATE. This meeting will be the last during the EU Horizon 2020 project “Ultimate” as this great
project will end by October 2024. However, we will continue this kind of Teams meeting for our
network in our new Horizon Europe project “Recreate”.
This time we present an overview of the main results in all 9 case studies of the ULTIMATE project.
Technologies that are new to most part of the Danish audience, but an important part of the future
with a necessary increase in water reuse and sustainability to the water sector. You will also learn
about the results of life cycle assessments of alternative water solutions. We will discuss what
“Ultimate” has meant for the development in Kalundborg, and you will get an insight into the plans
for the Horizon Europe project RECREATE, which is our follow-up project on water reclamation,
water reuse and new water technologies.